Ideology and Realism in Film

I have also explored the ideas of realism within films which refers to “the quality of being very much like real life: the quality of seeming to be real” Webster (2011: online). There is the saying that ‘the camera never lies’, this of course is not true. Many films are a story and not a true representation of life. People may argue reality television or documentary films and programmes are real life, but of course they have also been shot and edited in a certain way for a certain reason.

The Oxford dictionary definition of Ideology is “A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy”. Marx and Engels wrote ‘The Ruling Class and the Ruling Ideals’ , within this reading they presented the view that the ruling class (who they believed were the people who owned the means of production), were the class that controlled society, “the class which has the means of material production at its disposal consequently also controls the means of mental production” (pg 9). They thought that material relations controlled society  , which is the idea that money is the bass of everything within society, which allowed the ruling class who have the money to exploit the lower class who do not.


In Althusser’s writing of ‘Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses’ (2001), he believed ideology was enforced on us through institutions such as schools, churches and even the family. “Ideology is reproduced in familiar, apparently benign institutions that are part of every day social life” (pg 33). Within each institution we are taught different ideologies which makes us subject to the ‘Ideological State Apparatus’, which can be seen as the norm and way of life, Marxists believed this was to conform to the ruling class.

The media can be explored as a institution which spreads ideological ideas and ideals. “Almost every film has a slant based on the director’s sense of right and wrong, an ideological perspective that privileges certain characters, institutions, and cultures”. Hughes (2012: online). Many ideological messages are spread through media platforms, such as how we should behave, what we should aim for and what is socially acceptable.

I have also explored the ideas of realism within films which refers to “the quality of being very much like real life: the quality of seeming to be real” Webster (2011: online). There is the saying that ‘the camera never lies’, this of course is not true. Many films are a story and not a true representation of life. People may argue reality television or documentary films and programmes are real life, but of course they have also been shot and edited in a certain way for a certain reason.

The television series Sex and The City can be seen as a great example of ideology spread through media. Each episode is focused on Carrie Bradshaw’s newspaper column about sex, relationships and the difference between men and women. Although the four main characters can be seen as independent modern women, the traditional need for marriage and a partner are a main focus throughout. You have Miranda who can be seen as modern business women, rather butch looking and feisty however she fears growing older and being on her own. You have Carrie a confident sexy character who isn’t scared to talk about sex however lets herself constantly be taken advantage of by her boyfriend Big. You then have Samantha who is obsessed with sex and loves sleeping with lots of men, however she is constantly frowned upon and has to leave her apartment due to neighbours gossiping about her. Then finally you have Charlotte the most traditional female character she is obsessed with finding love and marriage, she sees herself as unsuccessful unless she is married and is always seeking a perfect husband. Although the show tried to display new social issues such as safe sex, promiscuity and femininity ,the characters still follow ideological messages for women in regards to what is socially accepted for them and the idea that you are not a successful women unless you are married.


Overall it is clear that ideological messages are constantly spread throughout society, whether it be in schools, churches, on our television or in our newspapers. Although we now live in a more diverse society it appears these messages makeup a large part of our beliefs and control how we behave.

Word Count: 736


  • Althusser, L. (1971). Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. In L. Althusser (Ed.), Lenin and Philosophy and other Essays. New York: Monthly Review Press.
  • Hughes, 2012, Film and Ideology, [online] , [accessed on 12th October 2016] –
  • Marx K. and Engels F. (1970). Ruling class and ruling ideas, in Storey J (ed.) Cultural theory and popular culture: A Reader. 4th ed. Essex: Pearson, 2009.
  • Mulvey , 1975, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema , Essay, pgs 6-18
  • Webster, 2011, Realism, [online], [accessed on 12th October 2016] –


  • Sex and The City, (1998-2004). [television series] America : Darren Star.

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